PHP Secure Class to prevent XSS Attacks
Although this is not bullet proof but it would give you an idea on how to filter incoming data.
Copyleft : LGPL

Idea by: phpsec GROUP @ PHP|arch
Coded By: webKami

Version 1.0.1

1, Filters Cookie, Post and Get variables
2, A number of functions to filter integers floats etc

class requestCookie extends requestVars{ // extend the common class
function requestCookie(){
$this->source = &$_COOKIE; //set the source to Cookie
requestGet extends requestVars{// extend the common class
function requestGet(){
$this->source = &$_GET;//set the source to Get
requestPost extends requestVars{// extend the common class
function requestPost(){
$this->source = &$_POST;//set the source to Post
$source = array();  // a common source container for GET, POST, COOKIE or REQUEST (default in constructor)
function requestVars(){
$this->source = &$_REQUEST; // construct our source as _REQUEST, by default
   //used for integers
function getVarInt($param, $default = 0){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
return (int)$this->source[$param]; // return the integer of parameter
$default; // return default value if param not set

   //used for floats
function getVarFloat($param, $default = 0){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
return (float)$this->source[$param]; // return the integer of parameter
$default; // return default value if param not set

   //used for strict alphabetical words e.g. david, bob :: First Name / Last Name
function getVarAlpha($param ,$max , $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there is one alphabetic atleast
//if you have caught something as alphabetic, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alphabetic

   //used for strict alphabetical words allowing a space e.g. bob robinson :: Full Name
function getVarAlphaSpace($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there is one alphabetic atleast
           //start with aplhabetic, may include space, end with alhabetic
//if you have caught something as alphabetic with/without space, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alphabetic with/without space

   //used for alphanumeric input, no spaces, no underscores e.g. user123 :: Usernames(no underscores)
function getVarAlphaNum($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there is one alpha/nums atleast
           //start with aplhabetic, may include alpha/numerics, end with alhabetic/numeric
//if you have caught something as alphaNum, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alphaNum

   //used for alphanumeric input with spaces, no underscores e.g. Product 123 :: Product Name(no underscores)
function getVarAlphaNumSpace($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there is one alpha/nums atleast
           //start with aplhabetic, may include space/numerics, end with alhabetic/numeric
//if you have caught something as alphaNum, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alphaNum

   //used for alphanumeric input with underscores, no spaces e.g. product_color_1 :: DB Field(using underscores)
function getVarAlpha_Num($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there is one alpha/nums atleast
           //start with aplhabetic, may include underscore/numerics, end with alhabetic/numeric
//if you have caught something as alpha_Num, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alpha_Num

   //used for alphanumeric input with underscores and spaces e.g. product_color 1 :: Maybe someday I will need it (using underscores and spaces)
function getVarAlpha_NumSpace($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there are two alpha/nums atleast
           //start with aplhabetic, may include space/numerics/underscores/alphabetics, end with alhabetic/numeric
//if you have caught something as alpha_num Num, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alpha_num Num

   //used for alpha OR numeric input with spaces, no underscores e.g. product 123 :: Search Keyword(no underscores)
function getVarAlphaOrNum($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there is either an alpha or a num atleast
           //min length is 2
           //start with alpha / num, may include space, end with alhabetic/numeric
//if you have caught something as alpha or num, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alpha or num

   //used for alpha OR numeric input with spaces, underscores and some special characters
   // e.g. product-123 @ $20 :: More Sensible(maybe weird) Product Titles
function getVarString($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
           //check strictly there is either an alpha or a num atleast
           //include alpha / num, may also include space, special characters
//if you have caught something as alpha or num, return it
if (!empty($arr)) return substr($arr[0],0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alpha or num

   //maybe this is the most dangreous version, very low security in this one
   //used for all string, just convert html to its entities, it will display (when printed)
   //malicious tags like <script> on output instead of removing it or executing it
   function getVar($param, $max, $default = NULL){
       if (isset(
$this->source[$param])) { // check if parameter is set
return substr(htmlentities($this->source[$param]),0,$max);
$default; // reaturn default if param not set or its not alpha or num




//for url variables
$req = new requestGet();
"Int:".$req->getVarInt("id")."<br />";
"Alpha:".$req->getVarAlpha("name",4)."<br />";

//for form variables
$req = new requestPost();
"Int:".$req->getVarInt("id")."<br />";
"Alpha:".$req->getVarAlpha("name",4)."<br />";
